The Bo Street Runners were a mid-60s British R&B/Beat band who issued a string of now-collectable 45s and a privately-pressed £100-rated EP on R.G. Jones’ Oak label.
The band’s place in the history books was secured by the future careers of drummer Mick Fleetwood and second vocalist Mike Patto.
You could heard Soul Agents, Bo St.Runners & Chicago Line [Shimmy Shimmy Ko Ko Bop/Jump Back '66 7"] as they landed on cool comps like Electric Sugarcube Flashbacks, Rubble, Maximum R 'n' B... Now, this here is complete collection of EP's & singles by these real fine UK Garage/R&B/Mod groups. If you dig stuff like Downliners Sect, Pretty Things or The Artwoods , this is just fer you.
...And I Do Just What I Want, Dig!!!